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Our Services

At Treasured Art of Birth, our goal is to support you in having the birth experience you envision, surrounded by care, compassion, and expertise.


Birth Support

At Treasured Art of Birth, we provide comprehensive birth support services tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences. Our experienced and compassionate birth doulas are dedicated to ensuring you have a positive and empowering birth experience, whether you choose to give birth in a hospital, birth center, or at home. We also offer specialized support for both cesarean and vaginal births.


Benefits of Having a Birth Doula:


  1. Emotional Support: Doulas offer continuous emotional support, helping you feel calm, confident, and empowered throughout your labor and birth.

  2. Physical Comfort: Doulas use techniques such as massage, breathing exercises, and positioning suggestions to help manage pain and discomfort.

  3. Advocacy: Doulas help you communicate your birth preferences to your medical team, ensuring your voice is heard and respected.

  4. Reduced Interventions: Research shows that having a doula can lead to fewer medical interventions, such as cesarean sections and the use of pain medication.

  5. Shorter Labor: Studies indicate that the presence of a doula can shorten the duration of labor3.

  6. Positive Birth Experience: With a doula by your side, you are more likely to have a satisfying and positive birth experience.


Ways a Doula Can Support in Various Settings:


  • Hospital Births: Doulas provide continuous support in the hospital setting, working alongside medical staff to ensure you receive the care you desire. They help with comfort measures, advocate for your birth plan, and provide reassurance throughout the process.

  • Birth Centers: In birth centers, doulas offer personalized support, helping you navigate the birthing process in a more homelike environment. They assist with natural pain relief methods and ensure you feel supported and empowered.

  • Home Births: For home births, doulas create a calm and supportive atmosphere, assisting with comfort techniques and providing emotional and physical support. They work closely with your midwife to ensure a safe and positive birth experience.

  • Cesarean Births: Even during a cesarean birth, doulas provide invaluable support. They help prepare you for surgery, offer comfort and reassurance during the procedure, and assist with postpartum recovery.

  • Vaginal Births: For planned vaginal births, doulas support you through each stage of labor, offering techniques to manage pain and encouraging positions that facilitate a smoother delivery.



Labor/Birth Only Support

Our Labor/Birth Only Support Package is designed to provide comprehensive support during your labor and birth journey. Here’s what’s included:

Prenatal Visit

  • Timing: Typically scheduled between 35-37 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Discussion Points:

    • Birth preferences

    • Roles of everyone in the birth space

    • Overview of your birth team

    • Comfort measures and techniques to cope with labor contractions

    • Different labor and birthing positions

    • When to call once labor starts

On-Call Support

  • Availability: Starting at 37 weeks, your doula will be available 24/7.

  • Communication:

    • For non-urgent questions, please text your doula and they will respond as soon as possible.

    • For urgent questions or labor changes (e.g., water breaking, mucus plug loss/changes, intense/painful contractions), feel free to call your doula.

Active Labor and Birth Support

  • When to Call: You can discuss with your doula during the prenatal visit about when to request their presence. When you feel ready, call your doula to let them know.

  • Support Provided:

    • Comfort measures and laboring positions to help cope with labor contractions

    • Assisting your partner in feeling confident in supporting you

    • Helping your partner advocate for you if needed

    • Determining how far apart the contractions are and advising when to go to the hospital/birth center or call your midwife

Post-Birth Support

  • Duration: Your doula will stay up to 2 hours after birth.

  • Support Provided:

    • Comfort, hydration, and nutrition

    • Assistance with latching and advocacy if needed

    • Determining if additional resources are needed and coordinating with our admin team

Virtual Check-In

  • Timing: One virtual check-in with one of our lead doulas 1-2 weeks after birth.​

parents with newborn
partner supporting wife

Full Birth Support

Our Full Birth Support Package is designed to provide comprehensive support during your labor and birth journey. This package ensures you have comprehensive support throughout your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum journey. â€‹

Here’s what’s included:


Prenatal Visits

  • Total: Three prenatal visits are included in this package.


Prenatal Visit #1

  • Timing: Typically completed within 3-4 weeks after the introductory call with your doula.

  • Discussion Points:

    • Your doula’s role in the birth space

    • How your doula will support you throughout their time with you

    • Expectations of pregnancy and labor

    • Answering any questions you have

    • Gathering information on any resources you are seeking, which will be relayed to our admin team

Prenatal Visit #2

  • Timing: Typically completed by your 28 weeks’ gestational mark.

  • Discussion Points:

    • Starting the birth planning/preferences sheet

    • Addressing any procedures you have concerns or questions about

    • Providing book recommendations

    • Sharing any interest in resource recommendations, which will be relayed to our admin team

Prenatal Visit #3

  • Timing: Typically completed by your 37 weeks’ gestational mark.

  • Discussion Points:

    • Reviewing comfort measures, labor/birthing positions, and techniques to help cope with contractions during labor

    • Helping your partner feel more confident in the support they can provide

    • Timing contractions and when to call your doula to request their presence during labor


On-Call Time Frame

  • Availability: Starts at 37 weeks.

  • Communication:

    • Your doula will be available via text/phone call typically 24/7.

    • For non-urgent questions that can be replied to the following day, texting is the best option.

    • For urgent questions like changes in discharge/mucus plug, water breaking, bleeding (common during early labor), or contractions gaining intensity, definitely call your doula to help determine your options.

Birth Support

  • Timing: Begins when the client requests your presence during active labor.

  • Support Provided:

    • Physical presence during active labor

    • Virtual support during early labor to help you feel more at ease with contractions and provide tips and tricks for comfort

    • Examples: Resting, taking a warm shower, hydrating, etc.

    • Post-birth support for up to 2 hours after birth, including:

      • Comfort, hydration, and nutrition

      • Latching education and support

      • Advocacy if needed

Postnatal Well-Check Visits

  • Total: Three visits are included in this package.

  • Duration: Typically 1-1.5 hour visits.

  • Purpose: Checking in to see how things are going during the postpartum transitional period.

  • Support Provided:

    • Helping with any resources you may need to ease discomfort

    • Assistance with lactation/bottle feeding

    • Newborn education

Postnatal Visit #1

  • Timing: Typically completed within the first week after birth.

Postnatal Visit #2

  • Timing: Typically completed within the second week after birth.

Postnatal Visit #3

  • Timing: Typically completed within the fourth week after birth.


Postpartum Support

At Treasured Art of Birth, we understand that the postpartum period is a time of significant transition and adjustment. A Postpartum Doula can be a game-changer in your journey from childbirth to settling back into your regular routine with a newborn. Our postpartum support services are designed to provide you with the care, guidance, and reassurance you need during this precious time.

Our doulas offer guidance and insights to help new parents and siblings adapt to the arrival of a new baby, establish new routines, and manage household tasks that can pile up during your postpartum period. They also provide support with lactation and feeding, emotional well-being, and education during your recovery period, giving you the much-needed time to rest and rejuvenate.

We offer both daytime and overnight support to ensure you and your family receive comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs. Our goal is to empower you to embrace your postpartum journey with confidence and joy. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you and your family thrive during this special time.


Benefits of Postpartum Support

  • Emotional Well-being: Our compassionate support helps you navigate the emotional highs and lows of the postpartum period, reducing feelings of isolation and anxiety.

  • Physical Recovery: We assist with your physical recovery, offering guidance on self-care, nutrition, and gentle exercises to promote healing.

  • Infant Care: Our experienced doulas provide hands-on support with newborn care, including feeding, diapering, and soothing techniques.

  • Family Adjustment: We help your family adjust to the new dynamics, offering support to partners and siblings as they adapt to the changes.

  • Breastfeeding Support: Our team offers expert advice and practical assistance with breastfeeding, ensuring you and your baby establish a successful feeding routine.​


** A minimum booking of 16 hours is required for either option. **



Daytime Postpartum Support

**4 hours minimum per visit**



Our daytime postpartum support typically includes:


  • Emotional Support: A listening ear and empathetic presence to discuss your feelings and experiences.

  • Infant Care Assistance: Help with feeding, diaper changes, and establishing routines.

  • Household Help: Light housekeeping, and meal preparation to ease your daily responsibilities.

  • Education and Resources: Information on newborn care, postpartum recovery, and parenting tips.​



Overnight Postpartum Support

**8 hours minimum per visit**



Our overnight postpartum support typically includes:


  • Nighttime Infant Care: Assistance with nighttime feedings, diaper changes, and soothing your baby back to sleep.

  • Rest for Parents: Ensuring you get the rest you need by taking care of your baby during the night.

  • Breastfeeding Support: Helping with nighttime breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, ensuring a smooth feeding process.

  • Monitoring and Reassurance: Keeping a watchful eye on your baby throughout the night, providing peace of mind.​


Sibling Support

Here at Treasured Art of Birth, we believe in the power of family and the importance of involving siblings in the birth journey. Our Sibling Doula Support service is designed to ensure that your child or children feel included, educated, and cared for during the labor and birth process, whether at home or a birth center. This allows you to focus on your birthing experience with peace of mind. Our goal is to create a harmonious and inclusive birth experience for your entire family. Our dedicated sibling doulas are here to support your child, ensuring they feel valued and involved while you concentrate on your birthing journey.


Service Description

Our Sibling Doula Support includes:

  • Educational Support: Our doulas provide age-appropriate education to your child or children about the birth process, helping them understand what to expect and how they can be a part of this special journey.

  • Emotional Support: We offer a comforting presence, addressing any questions or concerns your child may have, and providing reassurance throughout the labor and birth.

  • Engagement Activities: To keep your child engaged and occupied, our doulas offer various activities, such as storytelling, games, and crafts, tailored to their interests and age.

  • Care and Supervision: Our doulas ensure your child is well taken care of, including meal preparation, snacks, and rest times, so you can focus on your labor and birth without worry.

  • Involvement in Birth: If desired, we facilitate your child’s involvement in the birth process, allowing them to witness the arrival of their new sibling in a supportive and positive environment.


Lactation Support

We understand the importance of a successful breastfeeding journey for both you and your baby. Our Lactation Support Sessions, led by Certified Peer Lactation Counselors, are designed to provide you with the guidance and support you need to overcome any breastfeeding challenges and achieve your breastfeeding goals. We offer both in-person and virtual sessions to accommodate your location and preferences.


At Treasured Art of Birth, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to successfully breastfeed your baby. Our dedicated team of Certified Peer Lactation Counselors is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a positive and fulfilling breastfeeding experience.


Service Description

Our Lactation Support Sessions include:

  • Latching Techniques: We provide hands-on assistance and expert advice on proper latching techniques to ensure a comfortable and effective breastfeeding experience for you and your baby.

  • Breastfeeding Questions: Our counselors are here to answer any questions you may have about breastfeeding, from milk supply concerns to feeding schedules and everything in between.

  • Personalized Support: Each session is tailored to your unique needs and circumstances, offering personalized strategies and solutions to address any breastfeeding issues you may encounter.

  • In-Person or Virtual Sessions: Depending on your location and preference, we offer both in-person and virtual support sessions to ensure you receive the help you need, wherever you are.

  • Ongoing Guidance: We provide continuous support and follow-up to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your breastfeeding plan.


Pregnancy Test

Holistic Fertility Support

At Treasured Art of Birth, we are dedicated to supporting you on your fertility journey with a holistic approach that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit. Our Holistic Fertility Support packages are designed to provide personalized care and guidance, incorporating herbal and nutritional plans to enhance your fertility. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and support you need to navigate your fertility journey with confidence and hope. Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of your well-being is nurtured, providing you with the best possible foundation for your fertility journey.


Package #1

This package includes:

  • 90-Minute Planning Session: During this session, we will review your fertility and health history to create a comprehensive plan tailored to your needs. This includes an herbal and nutrition plan designed to boost your fertility.

  • 90-Minute Fertility Session: This session features a Yoni Steam, a Fundal Massage demonstration and education with castor oil, a nutritious meal, and a brewed tea prepared by your fertility doula. Additionally, you will receive a 30-day supply of a customized herbal tea mix tailored to your fertility needs.


Package #2

This package offers:

  • Unlimited Access to Your Fertility Doula: For a period of 3 months, you will have unlimited access to your fertility doula for ongoing support and guidance.

  • 90-Minute Planning Session: This session includes a review of your fertility and health history, a one-on-one fertility planning class with personalized informational material, a nutrition plan, and lifestyle change recommendations to enhance your fertility journey.

  • Yoni Steam with Herbs: Recommended once every 3 months, this session includes a Yoni Steam with specially selected herbs to support your fertility.

  • Three Personalized Fertility Sessions: Each month, you will receive a personalized fertility session that includes a Fundal Massage demonstration and education with castor oil, a nutritious meal, and a brewed tea prepared by your fertility doula. You will also receive a 90-day supply of a personalized herbal tea mix to support your fertility needs.

Placenta Encapsulation 

We offer placenta encapsulation services to support your postpartum recovery. Placenta encapsulation involves processing the placenta into capsules that can be taken as a supplement. Many mothers have reported various benefits from consuming their encapsulated placenta, and we are here to provide this service with care and professionalism.

At Treasured Art of Birth, our goal is to support your postpartum journey with services that promote your well-being and recovery. Our dedicated placenta specialists are here to ensure that your placenta encapsulation process is handled with the utmost care and respect.


Service Description

Our Placenta Encapsulation service includes:

  • Capsules: Your placenta will be carefully processed and encapsulated, providing you with a convenient way to consume the placenta.

  • Placenta Print: As a keepsake, we will create a beautiful print of your placenta, capturing its unique shape and details.

  • Pick-Up Instructions: We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare your placenta for pick-up.

  • Coordination and Pick-Up: Once your placenta is ready for pick-up, our placenta specialist will coordinate with you to ensure a smooth and timely collection.


Benefits Shared by Mothers

Many mothers have shared the following benefits from consuming their encapsulated placenta:

  • Enhanced Energy Levels: Some mothers report increased energy and reduced fatigue during the postpartum period.

  • Improved Mood: Consuming placenta capsules may help stabilize mood and reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

  • Increased Milk Supply: Some mothers experience an increase in milk production, supporting successful breastfeeding.

  • Faster Recovery: The nutrients in the placenta may aid in faster physical recovery after childbirth.


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